Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
(Google Scholar search results) (Scopus Author Profile)

(*: corresponding author; underlined: students)

Kwon, Y., Shin, G.* (Under Review) “How do young females walk as fast as males?”, Submitted to Gait & Posture

Kim, E.*, Song, D., Park, D., Kim, H., Shin, G. (2024) “Effect of smartphone use on cervical spine stability”, Journal of Biomechanics 166: 112053

Yoon, W., Shin, G.* (2024) “Muscle fatigue tracking during dynamic elbow flexion-extension movements with a varying hand load”, Applied Ergonomics 116: 104217

Song, D., Park, D., Kim, E., Shin, G.* (2024) “Neck muscle activity and fatigue in prolonged smartphone use”, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 100: 103554

Yoon, W., Kwon, Y., Yoon, J., Choi. S., Shin, G.* (2024) “How to walk to reduce footstep noise in multi-story residential buildings”, Ergonomics 

Song, D., Kim, E., Kwon, Y., Yoon, W., Lee, B., Lee, Y., Shin, G.* (2023) “Driver mental stress in response to thermal stress change during highway driving”, SAE Technical Paper 2023-01-0146

Lin, J.*, Lee, W., Smith, C., Yragui, N., Foley, M., Shin, G. (2023) “Cleaning in the 21st century: The musculoskeletal disorders associated with the centuries-old occupation – A literature review”, Applied Ergonomics 105:103839

Kwon, Y., Shin, G.* (2022) “Upper extremity muscle activity when vacuuming floors with cordless stick vacuum cleaners”, Applied Ergonomics 104:103821

Kim, E., Kwon, Y., Kim, H., Shin, G.* (2022) “The range of visual detection of ground-level cues during distracted walking: Effect of cue contrast and walking speed”, Accident Analysis and Prevention 176: 106800

Kwon, Y., Shin, G.* (2022) “Foot kinematics and leg muscle activation patterns are altered in those with limited ankle dorsiflexion during incline walking”, Gait and Posture 92:315-320

Song, D., Kim, E., Park, H., Shin, G.* (2021) “Effect of hand loads on upper extremity muscle activity during pushing and pulling motions”, Applied Ergonomics 96:103504

Choi, S., Shin, G.* (2021) “Effect of medial foot loading self-practice on lower limb kinematics in young individuals with asymptomatic varus knee alignment”, The Knee 30: 305-313

Kim, E., and Shin, G.* (2021) “User discomfort while using a virtual reality headset as a personal viewing system for text-intensive office tasks”, Ergonomics 64: 891-899

Kim, E., Kim, H., Kwon, Y., Choi, S., and Shin, G.* (2021) “Effect of smartphone use while walking on the detection performance of ground-level visual cues”, Accident Analysis and Prevention 151:105909

Choi, S., Kim, M., Kim, E., and Shin, G.* (2021) “Changes in low back muscle activity and spine kinematics in response to smartphone use during walking”, Spine 46(7), E426-E432

Yoon, W., Choi, S., Han, H., and Shin, G.* (2021) “Neck muscular load when using a smartphone in sitting, standing and while walking”, Human Factors 63: 868-879 

Han, H., Shin, G.* (2019) “Head flexion angle when web-browsing and texting using a smartphone while walking”, Applied Ergonomics 81

Bak, H., D’Souza, C., and Shin, G.* (2019) “Upper extremity muscle activation during carpet vacuuming with household upright cleaners”, Applied Ergonomics 79: 38-44

Han, H., Lee, S., and Shin, G.* (2019) “Naturalistic data collection of head posture during smartphone use”, Ergonomics 62: 444-448

Choi, S., Shin, G.* (2018) “Effects of the center of mass of a stick vacuum cleaner on the muscle activities of the upper extremity during floor vacuuming”, Applied Ergonomics 70: 1-5

Lee, C. , Lee, S., and Shin, G.* (2017) “Reliability of forward head posture evaluation while sitting, standing, walking and running”, Human Movement Science 55: 81-86

Kang, H., and Shin, G.* (2017) “Effects of touch target location on performance and physical demands of computer touchscreen use”, Applied Ergonomics 61: 159-167

Lee, N., Kang, H., and Shin, G.* (2015) “Use of antagonist muscle EMG in the assessment of neuromuscular health of the low back”, Journal of Physiological Anthropology 34: 18

Lee, S., Kang, H., and Shin, G.* (2015) “Head flexion angle while using a smartphone”, Ergonomics 58(2): 220-226

Bareria, P.*, Shin, G. (2014) “Assisting wheelchair users on bus ramps: a potential cause of low back injury among bus drivers”, International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice 21(5).

Kang, H., and Shin, G.* (2014) “Hand usage pattern and upper body discomfort of desktop touchscreen users”, Ergonomics 57(9): 1397-1404.

Zhu, X., and Shin, G.* (2013) “Kinematics and muscle activities of the lumbar spine during and after working in stooped postures”, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 23(4): 801-806.

Zhu, X., and Shin, G.* (2012) “Shoulder and neck muscle activities during typing with forearm support at different heights”, Ergonomics 55(11): 1412-1419.

Shin, G.*, and Zhu, X. (2011) “User discomfort, work posture and muscle activity while using a touchscreen in a desktop PC setting”, Ergonomics 54(8): 733-744.

Shin, G.*, and Hegde, S. (2010) “User-preferred display position: effects of display size”, Human Factors 52(5):574-585.

Shin, G.* and D’Souza, C. (2010) “EMG activity of low back extensor muscles during cyclic flexion/extension”, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 20(4):742-749.

Shin, G.*, D’Souza, C., and Liu, Y. (2009) “Creep and fatigue development in the low back in static flexion”, Spine 34(17):1873-1878.

Shin, G.*, and Mirka, G. (2007) “An in-vivo assessment of the low back response to prolonged flexion: Interplay between active and passive tissues”, Clinical Biomechanics 22(9): 965-971.

Shin, G.*, Nance, M., and Mirka, G. (2006) “Differences in trunk kinematics and ground reaction forces between older and younger adults during lifting”, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 36(9): 767-772.

Mirka, G*, Shin, G., Kucera, K., and Loomis, D. (2005) “Use of the CABS methodology to assess biomechanical stress in commercial crab fishermen”, Applied Ergonomics 36(1):61-70.

Jiang, Z.*, Shin, G., Freeman, J., Reid, S., and Mirka, G. (2005) “A Study of lifting tasks performed on laterally slanted ground surfaces”, Ergonomics 48(7):782-795.

Shu, Y., Drum, J., Southard, S., Shin, G., and Mirka, G.* (2005) “The effect of a repetitive, fatiguing lifting task on horizontal ground reaction forces”, Journal of Applied Biomechanics 21(3):260-270.

Shin, G.*, Shu, Y., Li, Z., Jiang, Z., and Mirka, G. (2004) “Influence of knee angle and individual flexibility on the flexion-relaxation response of the low back musculature”, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 14(4): 485-494.

Shin, G.*, and Mirka, G. (2004) “The effects of sloped standing surface on trunk kinematics and L5/S1 moment during lifting”, Ergonomics 47(6): 646-659.

Refereed International Conference Proceedings

Kwon, Y., Nam, Y., Shin, G. * “Age- and sex-related differences in muscle mechanics and gait biomechanics during incline walking”, 2024 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) – Orlando, FL, 2024 

Yoon, W., Nam, Y., Shin, G. * “Degree of active recovery for muscle fatigue following load reduction: Active recovery in force generation and electromyographic manifestations”, 2024 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) – Orlando, FL, 2024 

Song, D., Kim, E., Kwon, Y., Yoon, W., Lee, Y., Lee, B., Shin, G.* “Monitoring driver stress during highway driving using wearable bio-signal sensors”, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 66th Annual Meeting – Atlanta, GA, 2022

Yoon, W., Kwon, Y., Choi, S., Lee, J., Song, D., Shin, G. * “Ground reaction force and plantar pressure distribution data Korean young adults during barefoot walking”, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 66th Annual Meeting – Atlanta, GA, 2022

Kim, E., Gil, H., Ryu, J., Oakley, I., Shin, G.* “The effect of peripheral cues on motion sickness mitigationwhen using a VR HMD in a car”, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 66th Annual Meeting – Atlanta, GA, 2022

Lee, J., Lee, K., Yoon, J., Ryu, J., Kim, Y., Park, H., Shin, G.* “How to evaluate the wearability of electronic air filtration masks”, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 66th Annual Meeting – Atlanta, GA, 2022

Kim, E., Song, D., Park, D., Kim, H., Shin, G.* “Reflexive response of neck muscle to sudden perturbation after prolonged smartphone use”, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 65th Annual Meeting – Online (U.S.), 2021

Kim, E., Song, D., Park, D., Kim, H., Shin, G.* “Reflexive response of neck muscle to sudden perturbation after prolonged smartphone use”, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 65th Annual Meeting – Online (U.S.), 2021

Yoon, W., Kwon, Y., Yoon, J., Choi, S., Shin, G.* “Can we decrease floor impact noise by changing walking patterns? – A preliminary report”, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 65th Annual Meeting – Online (U.S.), 2021

Kwon, Y., Shin, G.* “Muscular loads associated with floor vacuuming with cordless stick cleaners”, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 65th Annual Meeting – Online (U.S.), 2021

Choi, S., Lee, J., Shin, G.* “Center of pressure trajectory and spatiotemporal gait parameters when walking with limited knee flexion”, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 65th Annual Meeting – Online (U.S.), 2021

Kwon, S., Shin, G.* “A rapid ergonomic design intervention on a cordless stick vacuum cleaner handle to relieve discomfort”, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 65th Annual Meeting – Online (U.S.), 2021

Yoon, W., Shin, G.* “Muscle fatigue monitoring using the wavelet transform analysis of myoelectric signals”, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 64th Annual Meeting – Online (U.S.), 2020

Song, D., Kim, E., Kwon, Y., Kim, H., Shin, G.* “Changes in the range of head flexion rotation and neck muscle activity after prolonged use of a smartphone”, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 64th Annual Meeting – Online (U.S.), 2020

Kwon, Y., Choi, S., Kim, E., Kim, H., Kim, M., Shin, G.* “Smartphone usage pattern while walking: A survey on 441 young users in Korea”, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 64th Annual Meeting – Online (U.S.), 2020

Kim, E., Kim, H., Kwon, Y, Shin, G.* “Visibility of an in-ground signal when texting while walking”, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 64th Annual Meeting – Online (U.S.), 2020

Yoon, W., Han, H., Choi, S., Shin, G. “Neck muscle activation and head kinematics when using a smartphone while walking”,Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 63rd Annual Meeting – Seattle, WA, 2019

Choi, S., Kim, M., Kim, E., Shin, G. “Low back muscle activity when using a smartphone while walking”,Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 63rd Annual Meeting – Seattle, WA, 2019

Song, D., Bak, H., Shin, G. “Activation pattern of the upper extremity muscles during dynamic push and pull tasks”,Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 63rd Annual Meeting – Seattle, WA, 2019

Kim, E., Shin, G. “Head rotation and muscle activity when conducting document editing tasks with a head-mounted display”,Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 62nd Annual Meeting – Philadelphia, PA, 2018

Bak, H., D’Souza, C., Shin, G. “Upper extremity muscle activity during household floor vacuuming with upright cleaners”,Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 62nd Annual Meeting – Philadelphia, PA, 2018

Han, H., Gwon, S., Kim, H., Shin, G. “Head tilt angle when using smartphone while walking”,Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 62nd Annual Meeting – Philadelphia, PA, 2018